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Mailbox service for adoptive families

Receiving letters by email

Item can be scanned and sent to you via email with your permission. Please contact the mailbox team to provide consent to share letters this way.

We suggest that you do this via the secure Egress system. The hard copy item (ie cards etc) will be saved to your child's record in treasure chest as well as being posted out to you.

Changing the mailbox agreement

If you wish to explore whether the mailbox agreement for your child can be amended, please contact the mailbox team to discuss.

We will contact you if we receive any requests from birth family members to amend the agreement.

Any changes would only be made with your agreement and if they were felt to be in your child’s best interest.

When your child reaches 18

The mailbox agreement remains in place and will continue until your child reaches 18.

Following your child turning 18 years old they will be entitled access their adoption file should they wish to do so. A record of all exchanges which have taken place will be retained on your child’s adoption file.